Hmm...I was wondering if I had made a wrong decision.Okay...the day before I was admitted to the hospital,the first person I told was Elmer.(Think straight).Cause he is my bro and I often sms him..... Today,Charm told me that Chloris felt disappointed 'cause I told Elmer first. Then Charm joked:"Ya so bad tell Elmer first dont tell me... Then I was like speechless...I got a feeling rumours are gonna spread around soon. Just came back from school...Did one quarter of holiday homework....Hope dont need to 'last minute' again...thats what I did every year>< Left:
Speed 2&3
zuo ye
zuo wen
picture composition(CL)
chinese SA (2)
English revision paper
science revision paper
hmm...come to think of it...I did less than one quarter.....